The Friends of Shaw-cum-Donnington Association (FSA)
The FSA is a registered charity, the main aim of which is to raise money to buy equipment and facilities for the benefit of all the children at the school. This has included playground equipment, cooking facilities for technology, library furniture, computers, a television and musical instruments.
All parents, teachers and governors are members of the association. It organises fund raising and social events throughout the school year, including summer and Christmas fayres, discos, barbecues, quiz evenings, etc.
If you wish to become part of the team or have any ideas, suggestions or questions please don’t hesitate to talk to us.
To contact the FSA directly, please email:
FSA Membership
Jt Chair / Vice Chair - Paula Page & Henley Sargeant
Jt Secretary - Jo Willmott & Debbie Wyvill
Treasurer - TBC
Provide labels for school uniforms and accessories. The fsa will receive 20% cashback on all orders for our group.
At the checkout, select ‘Shaw cum Donnington FSA’ in the select fundraising group section.
Is the easiest way to raise money for Shaw-cum-Donnington CE Primary School. Shop with any of over 2,700 retailers and a percentage of what you spend is donated to Shaw-cum-Donnington CE Primary School at no additional cost to you. Retailers include Amazon, John Lewis, eBay, Tesco and many more.
Please register to support us today -
To contact the FSA directly, please email: