Welcome to Fox Class - Years 3 & 4
Welcome to our spring term Foxes. This term, we will study The Ancient Maya civilization in history and rain forests in geography. As artists, we will be focusing on craft and design, looking at what inspired famous fabric and interior designers and learning how to create repeating patterns from nature to inspire our own designs. In design technology we will be looking at mechanisms, to create a sling shot car. In science, we will study animals, including humans, focussing on the skeleton and nutrition, followed by a unit of work building on our earlier learning about plants. In RE, we will be learning about the customs and practices within the Jewish faith which show their obedience to God. In the second half of the term, we will explore the concept of forgiveness and its significance to Christians.
English will have a text focus on The Boy who Biked the World and The Great Kapok Tree, plus the classic; Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Writing genres will include: narrative writing from an alternative view point, non-fiction explanation and persuasive letter writing, plus, performance rap-style poetry. Maths will focus on; formal written methods for long multiplication and division. Measuring length, calculating area and perimeter, fractions and decimals.
PE days are Mondays with swimming taking place on Wednesdays. Children will need to come to school dressed in their PE kit please. This is the same for swimming days, warm track suit bottoms and school PE tops. Clothes which you can quickly and easily manage independently. You will also need appropriate swim wear, towel and swimming cap. Absolutely no earrings. Please ensure all items are named.
Homework is set on Fridays and should be handed in on Wednesdays. A research project homework will be set in the first half of the spring term. Spellings and times tables will be tested on Fridays and reading records are collected in on Fridays for monitoring.
For further information regarding the full curriculum for this term, please click on the timetable and knowledge organisers below. The curriculum overview shows all of our learning for two years.