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Welcome to Fox Class - Years 3 & 4

Welcome to our new term Foxes.  This term, children will study Victorian childhood in history and explore South America in geography.  As artists, children will be developing their 3D skills through the creation of abstract sculptures and working with electronics to design and build a digital charm in DT.  In science, we will be learning all about some significant inventors and scientists in the first half of term and living things and their habitats in the second half.  In RE we will be exploring holy journeys, specifically the Hindu pilgrimage to the River Ganges.

Our English will have a text focus on Street Child, What are You? (Pie Corbett Poetry) and The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane.  Writing genres will include: A biography, a non-chronological report, A journey narrative and narrative writing in role.  Maths will focus on time and money and solving problems related to these.

PE days are Mondays and Wednesdays.  All children will need to come to school dressed in their PE kit please.

Homework is set on Fridays and should be handed in on Wednesdays.    Spellings and times tables will be tested on Fridays and reading records will be collected and monitored every Friday. Please ensure that reading records are signed by an adult after each time a reading book has been shared.

For further information regarding the full curriculum for this term, please click on the timetable and knowledge organisers below.  The curriculum overview shows all of our learning for two years.

Mrs Hynes - Class Teacher


Mrs Moss - Teaching Assistant


Miss McLeish - Teaching Assistant


Ms Duong - Teaching Assistant

Mrs Marcham - Teaching Assistant


Curriculum Information

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