Curriculum Information
Shaw-cum-Donnington CE Primary School aims to have a broad and enjoyable curriculum. As a school we follow the National Curriculum. All foundation subjects are taught within topic where possible. English and Maths are usually taught discretely but are linked to the topic where possible.
School Intent
Shaw-cum-Donnington CE Primary School as a Christian school believes that every child is important to and loved by God and, as such, our school is a place where the children come first and are central to each decision we make. We intend to ensure our children are happy and successful; they will grow, during their time with us, to be ambitious and resilient. We are proud that our children are learning to be courageous and to behave with integrity. These values and our ambition for the children underpin our approach and collective delivery of our curriculum which will be broad, balanced, enjoyable and accessible for each child.
We intend the staff and school to be highly effective, well-organised, efficient, and well-resourced. We intend to provide an exciting and stimulating learning environment and our talented teachers will inspire and motivate children, encouraging scholarship, intellectual curiosity, independent thought and effective learning habits.
Our Aims
The first two broad aims for Shaw-cum-Donnington CE Primary School are:
- To develop a child’s knowledge, experience and imaginative understanding and to create an awareness of moral values and the capacity for enjoyment.
- Since education is a preparation for life in a rapidly changing, increasingly technological world, Shaw-cum-Donnington’s curriculum must be relevant to this world, broad based, balanced and differentiated.
The school curriculum will be:
- Broad; introducing each child to a wide range of concepts, experiences, knowledge and skills and promotes spiritual, moral, social, cultural, intellectual and physical development.
- Balanced; so that each subject area is allowed sufficient time for its contribution to be effective.
- Relevant; so that all subjects contribute to a sound general education to preparing children for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of everyday life including within the local, national and international communities.
- Differentiated; so that what is taught and how it is taught is matched to, and develops, children’s abilities and aptitudes.
We will achieve this by:
- Using a variety of teaching styles which offer and encourage a variety of relevant learning opportunities.
- Ensuring effective partnerships and communications between the child, parent, school and wider community.
- Delivering a curriculum that encourages respect for the environment, develops life skills and encourages ability and enthusiasm among our children to become analytical, creative, and critical thinkers.
- Offering opportunities outside of the classroom and the school day so that each child can develop a thirst for knowledge and an appreciation of the world around them.
- Facilitating continuity of progression at point of transition between previous settings/schools and destination schools.
The Curriculum
Shaw-cum-Donnington school provides a curriculum that is based on the national curriculum and the local authority agreed syllabus for religious education.
The national curriculum provides pupils with an introduction to the essential knowledge that they need to be educated citizens. The national curriculum is just one element in the education of every child.
Specific subjects covered by the curriculum at Shaw-cum-Donnington CE Primary School are:
- Mathematics, English (inclusive of drama) and Science
- Computing
- RE, Geography, History, Design Technology, Life skills, Music, Art, and Physical Education and Ancient and Modern Foreign Languages
Foundation Stage Areas of Learning are:
- Personal, Social and Emotional Development
- Communication and Language
- Literacy
- Mathematics
- Understanding the World
- Physical Development
- Expressive Art and Design
The nature of the school organisation and size demand that the staff deliver a differentiated curriculum, matched to the needs of each individual child. There is also time and space in the school day and in each week, term and year to range beyond the national curriculum specifications. The national curriculum provides an outline of core knowledge around which teachers can develop exciting and stimulating lessons to promote the development of pupils’ knowledge, understanding and skills as part of the wider school curriculum.
The agreed key components of the school’s curriculum are to ensure:
- National curriculum coverage.
- A quality skills progression throughout the year.
- A high knowledge base through all subjects.
- Enquiry based learning to develop independent learning and transferable skills.
- The Key skills to be developed throughout the teaching of the curriculum:
- Research skills, critical thinking
- Quality writing and self-expression
- Knowledge and understanding of the people, places and culture around us.
There is a straightforward and consistent structure that makes planning, reflection and assessment straightforward for all staff.
Sex and relationships and drugs education are taught throughout the school, as part of science lessons and PSHE lessons.
This policy statement, specific subject policies, the schemes of work and the school development (SDP) plan will together form the framework within which each teacher will plan their work on a termly and weekly basis for the individual needs of the children.
The curriculum should be seen not only in terms of subjects but also as areas of knowledge and experience. These are aesthetic and creative, physical, linguistic, scientific and mathematical, ethical and social abilities. Each of the national curriculum subjects can and shall contribute to more than one area of experience. Shaw-cum-Donnington CE Primary School’s curriculum will encompass all of these areas of experience.
In order to achieve our aims, school staff need to be performing at a consistently high level. The SDP will help ensure that continuous staff development, including curriculum development will take place. This will help staff to achieve this high level of performance and enjoy job satisfaction.
It is the aim of Shaw-cum-Donnington CE Primary School with the help of parents, governors, the Diocese, the LA and all outside agencies to provide the best education a child can receive. This school is part of the community. We hope that the community will continue to care for it, and be proud of it.
A good relationship between pupil, teacher and parents is key to success and security for every child. We aim to support and foster a good rapport within our school community to support the delivery of our curriculum to our children and provide a vehicle for their talents to be nurtured, encouraged, developed and praised.
To ensure we deliver a dynamic and up to date curriculum, allowing the best learning to take place, we reflect upon pupil attainment, are responsive to progress and change, and make use of current best practice.