Children's welfare is of paramount importance. Our school will establish and maintain an ethos where pupils feel secure, are encouraged to talk, are listened to and are safe. Children at our school will be able to talk freely to any member of staff at our school if they are worried or concerned about something. Everyone who comes into contact with children and their families has a role to play in safeguarding children.
Safeguarding Policies
Statutory Framework
Useful Names & Contacts
Designated Person for Safeguarding
Ms L Wakefield
01635 40971
Deputy Designated Person for Safeguarding
Mrs E March
01635 40971
Safeguarding Governor
Mrs H Elder
West Berkshire Referral & Assessment Team
01635 503090 (9am-5pm Mon to Thurs; 9am-4:30pm Fri). At all other times contact the Out of Hours Duty Team on 01344 786543.