Child Care Provision for Three to Four Year Olds
Working in partnership with Love Lane Pre-School we can offer child care provision for three year olds in a school setting from 11:30am to 3:20pm, five days a week. This not only gives you affordable child care but also an excellent start to your child's early years education. If you do not qualify for government funding we can provide this provision for £5.50 per hour.
Universal hours = free 15 hours for all children.
Extended hours = extra free 15 hours for those eligible
To obtain the Extended Hours, you need to apply via the Childcare Choices website
8.30 – 11.30am – Pre–School
11.30 –3.20pm – School
Children are escorted between school and pre-school by staff and will need a packed lunch provided by parents/carers.
- The children will spend three hours per day at pre-school
- The rest of the day children are part of our reception class
- Should you require more than the 30 hours funded provision, the school will charge extra hours at £5:50 per hour.
If you require further information or support in filling out the forms, please contact:
Karen Reed
School Business Manager
01635 40971
Love Lane Pre-School
Love Lane Pre-School
Shaw-Cum-Donnington Village Hall
Love Lane
RG14 2JG
Tel: 07900 120 202