Welcome to Badger Class - Years 5 & 6
Welcome to our spring term Badgers. This term, children will study crime and punishment in history and explore volcanos in geography. As artists, children will be focusing on craft and design with photographic opportunities and designing a new playground in DT exploring different structures. In science, we will study classification systems with living things, followed by a unit of work studying famous scientists and inventors. In RE, we will be exploring the concept of eternity and then discussing the significance of Christianity 2,000 years after Jesus was on Earth. English will have a text focus on Thief, The land of Neverbelieve and The Highwayman. Writing genres will include: narrative suspense, newspaper reporting, fantasy journeys, non-chronological reports and narrative poetry. Maths will focus on decimals, percentages, algebra, converting units, area, perimeter, volume, statistics and ratio.
PE days are Mondays and Wednesdays. Badgers will need to come to school dressed in their PE kit please.
Homework is set on Fridays and should be handed in on Wednesdays. Spellings and times tables will be tested on Fridays and reading journals will be collected in every Thursday. Badgers all have their own homework diary to help them organise their school week and keep track of key dates and homework set.
For further information regarding the full curriculum for this term, please click on the timetable and knowledge organisers below. The curriculum overview shows all of our learning for two years.