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Welcome to Badger Class - Years 5 & 6

Welcome to our new academic year Badgers.  This term, children will study WW2 in history and explore mountains in geography.  As artists, children will be focusing on interactive installations with 3D sculpture and working with different textiles to create a waistcoat in DT.  In science, we will study the major systems of the human body and explore the impact of diet, exercise and drugs on the body, followed by a unit of work on electricity.  In RE we will be exploring ways in which Muslims can show commitment to God and then discussing the meaning of the Christmas story for Christians. English will have a text focus on Letters from the lighthouse, Safiyyah’s War and WW2 poetry.  Writing genres will include: narrative flashbacks, balanced arguments, writing from different perspectives, letter writing and poetry.  Maths will focus on place value and the four operations.

PE days are Mondays and Fridays.  Badgers will need to come to school dressed in their PE kit please.

Homework is set on Fridays and should be handed in on Wednesdays.  Spellings and times tables will be tested on Fridays and reading journals will be collected in every Thursday. Badgers all have their own homework diary to help them organise their school week and keep track of key dates and homework set.

For further information regarding the full curriculum for this term, please click on the timetable and knowledge organisers below.  The curriculum overview shows all of our learning for two years.

Mrs Rushton - Class Teacher


Mrs Ayre - Higher Level Teaching Assistant

Miss McLeish - Teaching Assistant

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