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Uniforms & School Lunches

School Meals

Children may bring a packed lunch from home or have a meal provided by the school’s meal provider Dolce. There is a set menu with a degree of choice, priced £2.82 (from 1st April 2024) for a two course meal. The children eat in the village hall next to the school. Children whose parents are in receipt of certain state benefits are entitled to a free school meal. Please contact the school office or West Berkshire Council for up to date information. To order your child's meal online, please click on the Dolce logo.


Packed Lunches
In line with our healthy eating policy, we are keen that our children should bring in a healthy lunch, should you choose for them not to eat a cooked school meal.

Packed lunches may include:
At least one portion of fruit and/or vegetable.
Meat, fish or other source of non-dairy protein.
A sandwich that includes a savoury filling e.g. egg, tuna, cheese, cooked meat.
A starchy food e.g. bread, pasta, rice, noodles.
Dairy food such as cheese, yogurt, fromage frais.
Bottle of water, or occasionally a carton of fruit juice.
A biscuit not coated in chocolate.
Savoury crackers, breadsticks etc.
Sausage rolls or pies very occasionally.

Packed lunches SHOULD NOT include:
Confectionery such as chocolate bars, chocolate coated biscuits or sweets.
Sugary or fizzy drinks.
Nuts or food containing nuts.
Chocolate spread.
Food that does not fall within these guidelines will be returned home in the child's lunch box. 


Children are expected to wear the correct school uniform and PE kits as detailed below. Long hair must be tied up/back at all times. Each item of clothing and PE kit must be marked with your child’s name.  If it is lost, it can be returned quickly.  School jumpers, cardigans, book and PE kit bags are available to purchase from the school office, please click here for an order form.

School Uniform:
• Red cardigans or sweat shirts with embroidered school    logo.
• Plain white polo shirt / blouse (with collar).
• Dark grey skirt/trousers.
• During the summer term grey shorts or a red and          white check or striped dress may be worn.
• Sensible black shoes.
• Plain dark socks.
• Plain, simple hair ties/bands.

PE Kit:
• Plimsolls or trainers.
• Red and black PE shirt with printed school logo.
• Plain black (unbranded) sport shorts (not cycling shorts)​
• Plain black long leggings for dance and gymnastics        only
• Plain black tracksuit.

Please Note: Children can come into school on the day they do PE wearing their kit.

Pre Loved Uniform
Embroidered pre-loved school uniform can be purchased from the school office, when available.


For safety reasons, children should not wear jewellery to school. Children with pierced ears may wear small stud earrings ONLY.  Children MUST NOT wear earrings of any description on the days they take part in PE, swimming lessons or any sporting events.  Children MUST be able to remove their own stud earrings, if required.  It is important therefore that ear piercing takes place only at the beginning of the summer holidays.

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