The Teaching of Phonics and Early Reading

At Shaw-cum-Donnington Primary School we are passionate about ensuring all pupils become enthusiastic, successful, lifelong readers. In order to do this, we provide every pupil with daily high-quality phonics that starts in Reception. Phonics provides the foundations for pupils to become fluent readers and writers. By the end of Key Stage One, we want all pupils to be increasingly confident readers and writers.
We will:
- provide consistent, high quality phonics teaching which is accessed by all pupils
- ensure that the teaching of phonics is systematics and progressive
- ensure that pupils have secure phonetic knowledge, understanding and skills so that they can segment and blend words
- ensure pupils are confident to use their phonic skills to read and write across the curriculum
Pupils are introduced to formal phonics teaching as soon as they start in EYFS. We use the validated programme ‘Supersonic Phonic Friends’ for the teaching of phonics. There are daily discrete phonic sessions of approximately 30 minutes where children revise previous learning, learn new phonemes/ graphemes, practise their new learning and apply what they have learnt. Pupils are also taught tricky words appropriate to each stage. The teaching of phonics taught by a trained adult. Monitoring of the teaching of phonics ensures that all staff are providing high quality teaching. Pupils are assessed regularly in order to check progress and to quickly support any gaps in their learning. Pupils take home reading books closely aligned to their phonics knowledge.
We will:
- ensure phonic lessons are daily and follow the Supersonic Phonic Friends programme
- ensure classrooms have resources that pupils can refer to
- ensure tricky words are taught for each stage of phonics to aid tricky word recognition and spelling
- ensure progress of pupils is monitored and evaluated closely
- ensure all staff have high aspirations of every pupil so that they can reach their potential
Through the teaching of phonics, our aim is for all pupils to become increasingly confident readers and writers by the end of Key Stage One.
Pupils will:
- read at an age-appropriate level with fluency which enables them to access the broader curriculum
- be resilient to tackle unfamiliar words by using their knowledge and skills to segment and blend
- become confident, fluent readers and increasingly accurate spellers
- develop a life-long love of reading
- read widely and often with fluency and comprehension
- develop a richer vocabulary which will allow them to raise the quality of their spoken and written vocabulary