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British Values

At Shaw-cum-Donnington we deliver a broad and balanced curriculum which includes upholding and teaching pupils about British Values. We do this within aspects of the PHSCE and RE curricula, assemblies and through the study of ‘issues’ such as conservation and freedom in literacy and topic work.

Our pupils show their respect for British values through their study of other religions and through tackling issues such as conservation and liberty.  The school is successful in promoting tolerance and respect for others and preparing them well for modern Britain.  

We aim to

  • actively encourage our pupils to develop their self-knowledge, self-esteem and self-confidence; 
  • teach pupils to distinguish right from wrong and to respect the law;
  • provide opportunities for pupils to show initiative and understand how they can contribute positively to the lives of those within the school and wider community.  Each year the school takes part in numerous activities to raise money for various national and local charities such as NSPCC, Children in Need and Save the Children. Letters of thanks received from these charities are on display in the school entrance hall.
  • assist pupils to acquire an appreciation of and respect for their own and other cultures in a way that promotes tolerance and harmony between different cultural traditions.

Spiritual, Moral, Social, Cultural & British Values

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